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Marcus Smart Resigns With Celtics For $52M Contract! Boogie Cousins Confronts Backlash!
NBA hot topic the Boston Celtics resign Marcus Smart did they over pay for him?
Marcus Smart flops and gets the call!!!! Game 7
7-19-18 Loves Boogies Attitude
Why asking if Demarcus Cousins fits with Warriors is a cruel joke! | Hoops Junction
Draymond Green Reacts To Tristan Punching Him In Face Story! KD Talks About Personality Change!
Steph Curry: Golden State Warriors guard admits DeMarcus Cousins signing surprise
#DeMarcusCousins "Teams didn't want me but when i signed with the #warriors I'm to get to do that"
Entire DeMARCUS COUSINS Q&A w/ media and youth camp: Dell Demps/Pelicans
BLOGTABLE: Best free agents still on the market?
Hour Take NBA: What is The Meaning Of A Super Team?- Durant, Cousins, Draymond, Thompson and Curry